I'm Famous, Mom!

A list of achievements that are publicly presented

List of appearances and references, from new to old

2022-11-25: Speaking at GDG DevFest Cape Town 2022 about Bad Internet.

2020-2021: Burnt out and hid away from the pandemic and world for a bit

2020-11-10: Presented The Slippery Slope of Unethical Programming at Chicago Roboto

2019-11-30: Co-organised and ran DevFest South Africa

2019-08-30: Became head of GDG Cape Town

2019-07-25: Spoke at JavaConf 2019 about Coroutines and RxJava with Pamela Hill. Promoted said talk with a funny tweet. Yes, tweets are legitimate references please @ me.

2019-05-26: Callback Hell Article featured in Kotlin Weekly 147 and Android Weekly 363

2019-05-14: Generics Article featured in Android Weekly #361

2019-05-05: Room Article featured in Android Weekly #360

2019-05-05: Generics Article featured in Kotlin Weekly #144

2018-12-09: RxJava Presentation featured in Android Weekly #339

2018-12-07: Presented RxJava: As Simple and Powerful As I Can Make It at GDG DevFest Johannesburg 2018